Nov 9, 2011

Acupuncture.Com - Points Newsletter - November 2011

Points Newsletter
Welcome to the November 2011 issue of's Points Newsletter. We hope you enjoy this month's articles and features.
Also, don't forget to browse store for all your health needs. Wishing you Good Health and Peace,

To Beat a Fever, Fight Fire with Fire

To Beat a Fever, Fight Fire with FireBy Jaseng Center for Alternative Medicine
No one needs to be told that weather changes have a great influence on health as well as emotions and feelings. Especially now, when it is cold in the morning and at night and warm during the day, it is very hard for the body to regulate its temperature. People easily catch colds at this time of year. And anyone who catches a cold at this time is more likely to develop a serious disease. More...

4 Fall Foods = Weight Loss, Heart Health, and Immunity

4 Fall Foods = Weight Loss, Heart Health, and ImmunityBy Maoshing Ni, Ph.D., D.O.M., ABAAHp, L.Ac.
As the foliage starts to turn colors, we may notice a change in the foods our bodies crave. The desire for an ice popsicle just might be replaced by a yearning for a warm bowl of soup. In Chinese medicine consuming foods that correspond to each season is thought to create harmony and balance. Fruits and vegetables contain the most concentrated nutrients and flavor when they are consumed in season. More...

Loosen Up!Loosen Up!

By Edsel Tan, L.Ac., Dipl.O.M.
It is normal for us to feel tension in our bodies now and then, but when the tension does not seem to ever go away, it can affect our quality of life. It can give us chronic pain that makes it difficult to sleep, exercise, or just maintain our patience with people we meet. It is important to understand how this tension occurs and what we can do to release it. More... 

Recent Research


Ask The Doctor

Ask Dr. MaoQ: My mother has glaucoma. Does that mean I will have it too? Is there anything I can do to avoid glaucoma?
A: Glaucoma is not hereditary disease although high blood pressure does run in the family and it can predispose one to glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition due to increased pressure inside your eyeballs potentially causing long-term damage to the retina and the optic nerve.
To help prevent glaucoma and maintain healthy function of your eyes, you should: More... Store
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